The 24 Hour Prayer PDF Print E-mail

Sanskrit Scriptures clearly state that if we speak to God for one day and one night without interruption, He will answer us. More precisely, we will truly be able to understand His answers, because of the accelerated elevation of our instruments of perception. Despite the method being extremely simple compared to the greatness and happiness of the divine answer offered to us, there are extremely few persons capable of making this effort. Even among the thousands of yoga practitioners who have received these revelations and who desire to communicate with God, very few have attained sufficient spiritual maturity. They are not purified enough to offer unconditional divine love, and so are incapable of being able to continuously invoke God through prayer for one day and one night ( 24 hours).

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The Yogic Yang Spiral Meditation PDF Print E-mail
by Gregorian Bivolaru

The yang spiral meditation is a form of group meditation unique to the yoga branches of the Atman International Yoga Organization.

These meditations are organised to be performed in unison throughout the various branches of ATMAN such as TARA Centre UK , NATHA Denmark and MISA Romania.

The aim of the yang spiral meditation is to bring into awareness of the participants the presence of Cosmic Consciousness and to be part of the worldwide efforts of raising the consciousness of the planet and of entering into a superior stage of evolution of humankind.
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