Mauna – a source of silence and energy PDF Print E-mail


by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

maunaIs it true or not that the great thinkers had been talkative? Is the spiritually evolved man recognized according to the multitude of words meant to drown anyone who comes close? Do crossword puzzles truly help us to develop our intelligence, or do they represent one of the most dangerous “vampires” of mental energy? Do we know how our mental energy can be best used?

Once, long ago, a disciple named Bhaskali approached his Guru, Bhava, and asked him: “Where is The Eternal and what does The Supreme Absolute mean, who is Brahman (God, The Father) that the Upanishads talk about? However, his master didn’t reply, but he remained silent. The disciple insisted and asked him again and again, but in spite of all these, the master didn’t answer at all, abiding in his quietness. Only much later he said: “I’ve already told you, over and over, but you aren’t able to understand me. What can I do to you? Brahman (God, The Father), The Absolute or The Eternal, cannot be explained in words! Only in a profound silence, full of Aspiration and love, can one know Him. There’s no other place where He can be found, except in the profound silence of the Supreme Self ( Atman)! This Atman is, above all, the everlasting Silence (Aham Atma Santah).”

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Inspiring thoughts regarding the Spiritual Guide – aspirant relationship PDF Print E-mail
by yoga teacher Nicolae Catrina

spiritual guideThe essence of the relationship between the Spiritual Guide and the aspirant can never be known only from the outside, because in fact it can never be an object of knowledge for those who are not ready to identify with that ineffable, mysterious state experienced by an aspirant on the Spiritual path. It is also necessary to realize that this relationship is not a concept that we can understand only with our mind. Even if we can speak about this relationship between the Spiritual Guide and the aspirant, defining it in different ways (some of them very subtle), all these are only “marks” on the path each of us has to walk in this direction. Basically, all these are just impulses from the mind that appear within the spiritual practice ( Sadhana).

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Yoga and sexuality PDF Print E-mail

by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

yoga and sexualityThe genuine yoga tradition unveils a completely different approach in love and sexuality, highly more positive and plenary, unlike the confused and grotesque vision proper to most of the western people, either intoxicated or improperly educated.

The ancient philosophies acknowledged that the high pleasure shared between the two lovers in continent lovemaking, if wisely refined and controlled is a powerful means of consciousness broadening, bound to enforce spiritual evolution to each of them. The ancient world’s Chinese very well knew that and used to practice it just like other eastern peoples, including the Indian Tantra followers as well.

There are countless temples adorned with erotic sculptures of exquisite beauty, in India, China, Japan, Nepal, Tibet, Thailand, etc. There are many religious and spiritual symbols in the East bearing an erotic connotation: the famous Shiva Lingam or the statues representing couples in intimate fusion, just to quote the best known.

A sexual active life, which is perfectly controlled, is not at all incompatible to YOGA practice or to the spiritual developing.

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Yoga and resonance PDF Print E-mail

According to yoga wisdom, everything is resonance


yoga and resonanceThe links that meet and sustain the elements of the Universe (things, beings, processes, created phenomena) have as basis the resonance phenomenon. Due to the resemblance between them, phenomena, objects or subtle energies harmonize, simultaneously vibrate, mutually and selectively evoking each other, by remote action, just like in the case of attuning two emission-reception stations on the same vibrating frequency. In such a case, it is well known that resonance takes place only when the frequency is adjacent or it synchronizes with one of the two frequencies (called own) the resonant system is capable of oscillating.

A transfer of energy from the stimulating system to the resonating one takes also place during resonance. When the resonance condition is reached, the amplitude of the oscillations increases a lot, presenting a certain maximum; it could become infinite if energy leaks due to rubbing factors did not exist. Being a selective phenomenon, resonance offers the possibility to distinguish less perceptible oscillations by other procedures, or to canalize a transfer of energy on a certain frequency in order to trigger a certain phenomenon, like an energy transaction or other kind, for instance.

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Yoga and family planning PDF Print E-mail

When they want to have children, each family or couple evidently wants them to be harmonious, healthy and intelligent. More than that, parents think in advance to have a “daughter” or a “son”. Nowadays, science has found modalities that help parents to know the sex of the future baby. Millennium yoga tradition offers simple methods that help determine the sex of the baby.

All ancient teachings on procreation underline the fact that mental attitude gets an immense importance in being successful in the process of conception. As the great Hindu master Atreya says, “It is said a child is born from a mother, a father, concordance (we could say it clearer, resonance) and nutrition. There is always a connection agent between all these: the mind”.

The child to be born is drawn in by resonance

It is known human being is not only physical body; it forms an energetical structure in continuous vibration and movement; it is also known that this energetical structure has condensations, real vortexes of force called wheels of energy or Chakras in Sanskrit. It communicates with the Universe and all its energies through them.

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