Aphorisms About Meditation PDF Print E-mail

by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

meditation1. The profound yogic meditation on God the Father can also be considerred a novel form of prayer, as the one who practices it prays in this way both in Spirit and in Truth.

2. The profound yogic meditation allows a better control over the senses and that is why it improves the practice of Sexual continence (during erotic games based on mutual love and transfiguration).

3. God the Father created us so that we should also make at least one profound yogic meditation daily, having Him as the subject of our meditation.

4. Due to the ineffable processes of resonance unleashed in our inner universe by a daily yogic meditation, a great beneficent energy accumulates in us, generating in ourselves a pure, sublime state.

5. The profound yogic meditation which is done daily generates in us a state of profound peace.

6. The profound yogic meditation which is done daily generates in us an ineffable state of harmony.

7. Even when we are travelling with a certain vehicle, or during our so-called “dead times”, we can use them in a creative way, realizing either LAYA YOGA with a Mantra of a Great Cosmic Power, or a certain form of profound yogic meditation.

8. When we practice daily a certain form of profound yogic meditation, we can become aware of its multiple advantages.

9. We can do longer or shorter meditations during our “dead times” anytime and anywhere, so that we can realize the multiple advantages of the profound yogic meditation.

10. We can enjoy the multiple advantages of meditation by practicing every morning, even for shorter periods of time, a form of profound yogic meditation.

11. It is very well that we always relax after a profound yogic meditation, and, if possible, it is indicated to keep the silence for a period of time after that.

12. When we do profound yogic meditations, it is very well that our face and body face North or East.

13. After only a few months of consistent practice we will discover that the profound yogic meditation (or even the practice of the LAYA YOGA technique with the MANTRA of a Great Cosmic Power with whom we feel a very special meditative state) becomes our best friend.

14. The yogi who aspires to achieve a constant spiritual transformation must do at least 30 minutes of yogic meditation daily.

15. When we just learned a new yogic meditation technique, it is very well to practice it regularly even for 10-15 minutes a day.

16. It is very well that, at least once a week, we should practice MAUNA, even for 2-3 hours.

17. When you do profound yogic meditations in a room during the night, it is very well to do this in the dark.

18. After we did for a certain period of time a profound yogic meditation, it is very well to savour afterwards (if we are thirsty), a glass of natural juice mixed with honey.

19. The profound yogic meditation done at the sunset somewhere in nature generates in ourselves a magic, sublime state which deepens more and more every time we do this kind of meditations at sunset.

20. When you do profound yogic meditations during an ASANA, it is very well that you try and keep your spinal column right, and the position of the body must be symmetrical, as much as possible. We may also do profound yogic meditations while we are sitting on a chair, but, beforehand, we have to orient our body and face either towards North or towards East (Sunrise).

21. It is better to do profound yogic meditations while we are lying in bed, instead of not doing such meditations at all. In the case of such a meditation which we do while lying on the ground we have to be oriented with our head towards North and feet towards South or, if this is not possible, we can orient ourselves with the head towards East (Sunrise) and with our feet towards West (Sunset).

22. The fact of doing LAYA YOGA daily with the MANTRA of one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers or even the practice of a certain form of profound yogic meditation for 30 minutes daily makes our beneficent desires and aspirations come true at the end of 49 days of continuous practice.

23. Even only 30 minutes of profound yogic daily meditation generates an improvement in health after only 2-3 months of perseverant practice.

24. Profound yogic meditation which is endlessly focused on God the Father undoubtedly brings us extraordinarily close to God the Father and helps us feel Him in a mysterious way in ourselves.

meditation25. Even only 30 minutes of LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers or the daily practice of no matter what form of profound yogic meditation transforms our life extraordinarily much when it is perseveringly practiced.

26. Even only 30 minutes of profound yogic meditation oriented on no matter what kind of health problem we confront, helps us surprisingly much in the amelioration or healing process of the respective disease or disorder.

27. It is very well to decide and practice a short profound yogic meditation (or even LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers) for 49 days starting from today, in order to convince yourself in what regards the multiple advantages of the profound yogic meditation. After a certain period pf time, you will notice that a lot of transformations appear in yourself, and they are related to this spiritual practice.

28. Look very carefully around you and keep in mind that there are very few human beings who advice you to yogic meditation daily or to do LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers.

29. The secret the advances yogis discovered: God the Father becomes very happy in your inner universe, as far as you are concerned, when you meditate daily.

30. When in certain situations you pray to God, pray so that He offers you extraordinarily high, sublime, ecstatic spiritual states, which it would be great to appear during profound yogic meditations.

31. When you experience high spiritual states or certain amazing revelations during profound yogic meditations which you do, do not forget to thank God afterwards, full of gratitude, for all the treasures He has been giving you.

32. Help the others as much as you can by your own mobilizing example, and, if it is possible, you can even teach them to meditate. You will notice that the more your spiritual power (your mysterious spherical field of force) grows; the easier will be for you to impulse and even help the others extraordinarily much to meditate in unison with you achieving much more profound and ample states when they are in your invisible sphere of force.

33. You can offer an extraordinary gift to your best friends who do not practice yoga for the moment, by teaching them to do in unison with you a simple form of yogic meditation. It is good to do this only with those who are open and curious to experiment together with you a yogic meditation technique.

34. The more your mysterious, spherical, spiritual field of force grows, the more you will notice in Joy that it will be easier for you to lead successfully groups of profound yogic meditation.

35. The profound yogic meditation which is done with a firm and continuous focus on God the Father is one of the highest forms of adoration of God which generates in ourselves a great happiness every time.

36. Certain ineffable experiences we have during profound yogic meditations offer us extraordinary states of happiness and profound peace which are unique and unforgettable.

37. The exceptional states of “elation” and happiness we experience intensely and profoundly when we do successful yogic meditations cannot be obtained otherwise anywhere else in this world.

38. Almost every person (who is sufficiently healthy from a psycho mental point of view) can practice successfully a multitude of forms of yogic meditation.

39. The meditation becomes more and more easy and the states that appear in ourselves become more and more elevated and pure the more we practice daily the profound yogic meditation, very perseveringly.

40. The children who have a certain state of spiritual precociousness can do meditations very easily and thus we can realize that they present certain exceptional capabilities which come from other previous lives (when they were successfully preoccupied by the spiritual things).

41. Both the various forms of profound yogic meditation and each of the techniques of LAYA YOGA which are done with the MANTRA of one of the great cosmic Powers, or even the LAYA yoga techniques which are done with the Bija Mantra in order to energize and harmonize a certain subtle force centre ( Chakra), confers us a surprising range of mysterious, sublime experiences which mature us and accelerate our inner transformation.

42. Keep a spiritual diary where you can write down the most elevated experiences which appear when you do yogic meditations.

43. It is not advisable to confess or to share the spiritual experiences you have during the various yogic meditations with any human being who is not able to understand them.

meditation44. The great yogis discovered through direct experience that profound yogic meditation is and remains the magic food of mind which at the same time makes it become more mature and allows it to expand in boundlessness.

45. After you realized profound yogic meditation daily for a certain period of time and you convinced yourself in what concerns the transformations they unleash in you inner universe, you can then gradually increase the time you consecrate for the meditation.

46. Profound yogic meditation annihilates or when necessary it allows us to control in a perfectly natural way the states of anger.

47. Profound yogic meditation helps us control very easily the bad habits and it also allows us to control our impulses of doing malefic actions.

48. After only 30 minutes of profound yogic meditation or after the same time interval of LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of a Great Cosmic Power we can notice very happy that it harmonizes our being and it considerably improves the states we experiences. At the same time, we can thus discover that the profound yogic meditation (or LAYA YOGA) embellishes as by magic our feelings and emotions.

49. Profound yogic meditation which is daily practiced also helps us control very easy our mind.

50. Profound yogic meditation which is daily and perseveringly realized generates an awakening in our mind of certain paranormal powers (SIDDHIS) which help us to easily impulse the others though the power of our own example. Due to the very powerful impulses we can give to all those whom we aspire to help, they transform their behaviour and let themselves be impelled to do good deeds.

51. The advanced yogis can be easily recognized by the intense and profound states of meditation which are maintained almost effortlessly for hours. During such inner experiences which they have for 4 or 5 hours in the so-called physical time, the latter (time) accelerates (for them) almost incredibly and then they have the impression that the mediation time was only of 10-15 minutes. Such situations are recurrent in their case.

52. All noble and pure people feel spontaneously the need to meditate.

53. The states of intense and profound yogic meditation protects in a certain way the one who meditates both from the enemy that exists within himself and from all the evil.

54. The various forms of profound yogic meditation and the practice of the LAYA YOGA techniques with the MANTRA of one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers when it is done even for 30 minutes daily heals mental diseases which are in an incipient phase, or they can even annihilate the paranoiac or schizoid tendencies that still exist in our being.

55. The various forms of profound yogic meditation and the practice of the LAYA YOGA techniques with the MANTRA of one of the Great Cosmic Powers helps ameliorate and even heal the various illnesses or diseases of the body.

56. Profound yogic meditation improves considerably the ambiance in the social sphere where the person manifests itself and very often it generates a spontaneous state of sympathy and affection which is unleashed in the others when the person who meditated sufficiently during that day interacts with them.

57. The human being becomes wiser and wiser when it begins to love measurelessly.

58. The bigger the chaos, the close the solution for solving that state of things.

59. Hope is the force-giving dream for all those who are already awaken.

60. We should never let doubt paralyze our actions. We must always take the wisest solutions, as much as possible. For this, it is always necessary to think of the consequences of the action that we are going to do.

61. God would have never given to the human being the capacity of dreaming with open eyes unless in its inner universe did not exist a latent capacity that could allow its dreams become true.

62. The person who is always asking for logic from life, most often forgets that, in fact, this is a dream.

63. In the middle of all winters there exists in germ a wonderful spring, and behind every night there is always a smiling aurora.

64. Always be good and full of kindness with the others.

65. Profound yogic meditation generates in us an ineffable state of happiness without object.

66. Always be full of optimism and think beneficently, because, in this way, the future will never reserve you unpleasant surprises.

67. Profound yogic meditation makes the respective person emanate around it a mysterious state of calm and peace.

68. Always control your mental as well as possible by doing daily yogic meditations or LAYA YOGA techniques with the MANTRA of one of the Great Cosmic Powers.

69. The daily practice of LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of GANESHA makes the respective person enjoy prosperity after a certain period of time.

70. Profound yogic meditation or the LAYA YOGA technique with the MANTRA of one of the Great Cosmic Powers gradually awakens intuition and it also improves the understanding of reality.

meditation71. The daily practice of profound yogic meditation helps us gain a better control over the senses

72. Profound yogic meditation improves and amplifies our memory.

73. Profound yogic meditation or LAYA YOGA with the mantra of one of the Great Cosmic Powers increases and it also refines intelligence.

74. Profound yogic meditation amplifies in our inner universe the spiritual knowledge.

75. The complete absence of desires awakens in us the indescribable state of spiritual immortality.

76. Profound yogic meditation or LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of one of the Great Cosmic Powers generates the awakening in us and, afterwards, the amplifying of an ineffable state of self-confidence.

77. Profound yogic meditation or LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers confers us a very good protection against all evil.

78. Profound yogic meditation or LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers can save us from all dangers that could overcome us.

79. Moral purity is always much more important than we can most often realize, especially when we are in the beginning of our spiritual practice.

80. Profound yogic meditation or LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of a Great Cosmic Power (as for example TARA, KALI, CHINNAMASTA) protects us against the evil influence of demons.

81. Beyond the colour of the skin, all human beings belong to the same race.

82. Profound yogic meditation or LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers, besides the fact that increases our subtle field of force of our aura, it also insure us a good company.

83. After you wake up in the morning, you should do at least 15 minutes LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers. Thus you will have a better day.

84. Profound daily yogic meditation ensures an ineffable, constant feeling of God, who is hidden in every one of us in the essence of our being.

85. God the Father loves very much profound yogic meditation which is done by a firm and continuous focus on Him.

86. By means of profound yogic meditation daily practiced, at a certain moment we come to feel the mysterious presence of God the Father for almost all the time.

87. Meditation is one of the greatest gifts God the Father has offered to man so that thus he can enter in an indescribable communion with THE GIGANTIC MIND OF GOD.

88. Profound yogic meditation done through firm focus on God the Father helps us feel His presence everywhere.

89. God the Father reveals to the human being and He overwhelms it just like an ocean of happiness that embraces it, when the person meditates firmly and profoundly on Him.

90. Always be full of humbleness and help detachedly all the people who deserve this.

91. Profound yogic meditation done through firm focus upon God and which
is practiced daily can be considered as one of the highest forms of YOGA, being at the same time a very rapid one.

92. Always manifest affection, sympathy, friendship and fraternity towards your colleagues who are integrated on the same spiritual school.

93. Profound yogic meditation done with a firm focus on God the Father purifies extraordinarily much our entire being and annihilates all the evil from our aura.

94. Profound yogic meditation or LAYA YOGA with the MANTRA of one of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers represents a safe instrument that destroys ignorance.