by Andrei Gamulea
Colours are present everywhere
Our whole existence is covered with colours: the wonderful colours from nature, the colours of the objects in our home, the colours of our clothes, the colours of walls from the rooms, the colours of buildings, the colours of cars and different vehicles we are travelling by, the colours of books, magazines, papers, the colours from movie scenes and those seen on the TV, the coloured lights from the feast fireworks, the colours of Christmas decorations and gifts, or the colours of flowers we offer to our beloved ones for their anniversaries.
All these represent as many moments we interfere with colours and get in contact with their effects. This is why it is useful to know which are the effects of each colour over the human being.
Warm colours – cold colours
From the bright red of a ripe apple, to the deep blue of the clear sky, a large array of colouristic nuances suggest the closeness and distance, the intensity and relaxation.
Warm: Red
Utmost warm, red is stimulating, it stirs the flame of passion, makes us feel stronger and filled with force. When predominant in a room, it gives the feeling of condensation and stimulation and makes the room look smaller.
Cold: Blue
Sort of complementary to red, at the cold extreme, blue is profoundly relaxing and calming, it awakens the desire for introversion and enhances affectivity inside of us. When blue is predominant in a room, it confers the feeling of spaciousness, through which we subjectively perceive that the room as bigger.
Warm: Orange and yellow
Orange and yellow are also warm, but more temperate in their stimulating effect. Orange is by excellence an anti-depressive colour and triggers the good spirits; as for yellow, it stimulates the rational thinking and it is an excellent mental stimulant.
Cold: Turquoise and violet
Along with blue, also cooling are turquoise and violet. Turquoise is soothing, purifying and refreshing, while violet awakens hope, reactivates the sense of valour and makes us aware of the spiritual dimension of life.
The healing power of colours
Each colour has its own healing power over the human being. Whether we choose to borrow the beneficial effect of a certain colour by wearing cloths in that colour, or we choose to live in a room painted a certain colour, or we may choose a coloured light in the room by means of a coloured bulb, we shall always feel at the same time the healing effect of colours.
Red is a powerful activator and is an excellent remedial for states like lack of power, states of weakness and also useful in cases of low blood pressure.
Orange provides a motivating enthusiasm, awakens the interior Joy and has a powerful effect of invigoration over the psyche. It is also a very powerful aphrodisiac remedy.
Yellow is a very powerful stimulant of intelligence. It has a healing power in case of rheumatism, arthritis and also helps to strengthen the bones structure.
Green is the colour of harmony, equilibrium and neutrality. Green has a powerful healing power in many cases of disease, from head aches to cancer.
Turquoise is the colour of immunity. It has a healing power in different inflammatory diseases or feverish, in cases of nervous tensions or mental agitation.
Blue makes possible the apparition of a deep regenerating state of relaxation in the whole being. It has a healing effect in cases of high blood pressure, asthma, migraines and it’s an excellent anti-stress remedy.
Violet mainly has a profound regenerating effect at a spiritual level. It helps healing of neurosis, mental disorders and epilepsy.